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Lelke van - élményműhely

Lelke van - élményműhely

AZ angol - THE English

2015. december 29. - szegedhangaági

My English-text jewelries are made of this fabulous piece (a part of it), which was written by Colley Cibber and was published in 1777, London.  It was a cheap/low cost publisher i guess as i found out that they used carved-off-part F instead of S several times on the pages, when it was needed…


Rigó, lánccal - thrush necklace

There is a small pine bush at the front of my daughter's preschool, in which a thrush built a nest. I found it last week and yesterday i was able to see the eggs themselves. Their color is AMAZING!!!  A lányomék bölcsődéje előtt van egy pici fenyő bokor, amiben egy rigó épített fészket.…


Húsvétkor - Easter festives - Pascua

One of my favorite memories about the Easter festives is when i was eighteen and a friend of my dead, who was a horticulturist visited us, and according to the Hungarian Easter traditions, he was doing Easter sprinkling. Which makes this so sweet memory that he used a bunch of flowers:…


Két szóval

Akár két szóval is el tudsz mondani mindent. Amit gondolsz, amit érzel. Ha pedig így ajándékozol, akkor ez a két szó az ékszerben még jobban össze fog kötni benneteket :)

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